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Imagine a dystopian world where 99% of the population were conditioned to accept and perpetuate the status quo.

John#1 decides to convince the 99% to stop being dystopians.  John#1 goes crazy. 

John#2 decides to fight the dystopians.  John#2 is murdered in cold blood. 

John#3 decides to design-build a much smaller world for himself,

keeping the 99% dystopians out and inviting a few of the 1% in.

John# 3 is a Protopiac.

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Large-Scale Rationalist Intentional Community Project

ProtopiaCity Pitch
ProtopiaCity Miro Board
ProtopiacApp Miro Board
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Social Matching for People With Long Attention Spans

ProtopiacApp Pitch
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Everybody Sucks Pitch
Everybody Sucks Miro Board
#Writers Room#

A Social Network For Collaboration on Projects and Content Creation

Writers Room Miro Board
Writers Room Pitch
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#Everybody Sucks#

A Board Game that encourages both bias voicing and bias debunking

Cults Of The World Pitch
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#Cults Of The World#

Online Game. Like Sim City, but with cults and communes

The Work Gene Pitch
The Work Gene Miro Board
Apply Here
#The Work Gene#

A Book - Anti-Education, Pro-Learning

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